Name: Lars Bo Hansen
Geburtsort: Nykobing / DK
Jahrgang: 1968
Eintritt in den LSV:
Familienstand: verheiratet
In welchem Alter und von wem hast Du das Schachspiel gelernt?
About 8-9 from my father
Welches ist Deine Lieblingspartie und warum?
Difficult question! If the criteria is how impressed I was when I saw
it the first time I would say Bronstein-Botvinnik, 22nd matchgame 1951.
Bronstein was fighting the entire Soviet regime and almost won.
Wer ist Deiner Meinung nach der beste Schachspieler aller Zeiten und warum?
Kasparov – each generation learns from the previous and Kasparov is the strongest of our generation
Was fasziniert Dich am meisten am Schachspiel?
That it combines sports, science and art.
Hast Du schachliche Ziele und wenn ja, welche?
I aim to reach 2600 – and to win more titles with Lübeck!
Wie ist Deine Meinung zum Computerschach?
It doesn´t really change anything, if the computers become
stronger than people. Chess is a psycological game between two
individuals. The way people play is very different from the way
computers play. Computers might become stronger than mankind, but there
is still a long time, before they start playing like mankind!
Computers are basically only helpers for mankind – also in chess.